Objective: The network of hellosmile dental clinics was looking for a series of dental products that could help improve the oral health of infants and children. Also, introducing children and their caregivers to the importance of routine and preventive dental care.
Process: Both the graphics on the objects and the packaging were investigated as opportunities to teach kids and get them excited about proper oral care. The hellosmile brand was used to create simple messaging and illustrations that would engage and educate children while they used the toothbrushes and oral products. One of the biggest challenges identified by the hellosmile clinics is teaching new caregivers that their baby should see a dentist by his/her first birthday. The baby toothbrushes were designed to inform parents of this first important visit, and give them the soft silicone finger brush to take care of their baby’s teeth daily.
Outcome: A line of hellosmile branded baby toothbrushes, children’s toothbrushes, and oral health care packages were designed and distributed at neighborhood health clinics by pediatricians to help teach the community about the importance of oral health care and preventive dental visits.